15 minutes

I received a challenge today to write down a story that has to be told. If I found out I only had 15 minutes left to live and I could write a story, what would I write? The clock is running….

I think there are two things I want you to hear.

First that relationships are all we have that matter. All the toys, tech stuff and activities don’t matter if you are not in relationship. Friends, family, employees, employers, bosses, waiters, bartenders, children, parents and the list goes on. We interact at different levels of relationships and it matters what we do with the time. Are you struggling with a relationship that is broken? Stop right here and think about it. What is the very next thing you could do to help heal that one? …. Well, what is it? Go do it. Now. Right now. It matters.

Second is the very thing that is stopping you from doing the first. Resistance. It is the enemy that keeps you from taking that step you need to take. Steven Pressfield wrote The War of Art and it is about this enemy. If you want to create a battle plan then get the book. The second book is Do The Work. It was published just a few weeks ago. It is a step by step map for beating resistance. For helping you over come the resistance.

Those are the two things I want to tell you. I have 6.5 minutes left.

My battle with resistance shows me that it can be won. My story is told on this blog but a bit of it is 60 pounds of weight loss. That is my battle right now. My wife’s battle is 115 pounds of weight loss. We are winning the battle but it is something we do daily and it has become a pleasure in lots of ways. I don’t think of the 2.4 miles we walk many mornings as pleasure but I certainly do enjoy the 36 on my waist. Actually the walks are pleasant as she and I do them together. It is something we enjoy. It beats doing it on one of those scooters you see at Wally World. beep, beep, beep… That is where we were headed and now the direction has changed. Resistance has lost that one but it is hiding in the bushes just waiting to overtake us again if we don’t fight every day.

One minute 15 seconds left.

The story seems to be find a relationship or fix a relationship and use that gift to help you fight resistance. Be better. Do better. Work at it every day. Get up  and do your work…………… times up.

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