A positive perspective on the upcoming election


Here is Brian Buffini sharing a perspective on the election and political campaigns. Truth is I am struggling with the dilemma we are facing but there are only 29 days left til the election it will all be over soon.

Here is something we can learn from the election and the campaign if you are interested.

Check it out.

A side thought to consider. 62 million voted for Obama, 58 million voted for Romney but 90 million people did not vote in the last election.

I’m not calling sides but I am encouraging you to go vote. Get informed about the issues, understand what they are saying and decide who best represents what you want for this country. If it’s a 3rd party you vote for that’s fine. I get it but the best thing is to go vote.

For those of us who have made up our minds I suspect we need to be careful about that too.

Here is a bonus video of one of my favorite authors, Andy Andrews sharing the thought ‘you can’t believe everything you think’.

Last thing, if you are not registered to vote you might still be able to. Oct 11th is the cut off in Georgia and you can check it out here.

Thanks for listening,
Jerry Robertson
678-231-1578 Cell