Day Seven – take a break
We are at the end. At least the end of this series of articles and Day Seven is a day to rest. We have worked hard and if you need a reminder of what we did check out the list:
- Put a moratorium on foreclosures
- Eliminate the Acceleration Clause
- Eliminate taxes on some rehab deals
- Take a 6 month Federal Tax Holiday
- Put the FairTax in place in place of Federal Income Tax
- Cut (or freeze) the Federal Budget to balance it
- Take a break
What I mean by Take a Break is to make sure you focus on those things you can control and not worry about those things you can’t. One way to think about this process is called the Serenity Prayer. It goes “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference.”
We have no control over earthquakes in Japan resulting in Tsunamis, nuclear power plant meltdowns and war in Libya but they can all affect us. I heard someone talk about being fascinated by the events in Japan and that they were glued to the TV all night “just watching”. As a news junkie I get that but I don’t think that helps anything.
It does not help my attitude or my outlook of life. I think the news is something that actually hurts us in its current form. Yellow Journalism might be going a bit too far when describing our 24 hour news cycle but they certainly use some of the aspects of it when crafting headlines and teasers to get you to stay tuned through the commercials. Listening to the whole story is sometimes disappointing after you have watched the latest commercial for the Scooter Store or Tax Law Mitigation.
The idea behind Day Seven is that God rested after all his work and enjoyed what he had done. I think we should work hard and focus on those things we have control over and then put all that aside and enjoy what we have for a day. Once a week we need to change our focus on ourselves and our work and focus on God and trust that He is the one in control. Don’t dwell on things you can’t fix anyway.
I hope this series has given you something to think about and I would enjoy hearing from you so feel free to comment and email me. Hope you have a great week.
Thanks for listening,
Jerry Robertson
678-231-1578 Cell
- Day Six – cuts
- Gwinnett Co Taxes Deadline – part two…