I drove from New Orleans to here…

Paul Sanchez wrote “Cool thing about a house concert is they are a success before you walk in the door. It’s about the host and their guests as much as it is about you. That’s why I drove from New Orleans to here. To share some of my city as I remember it, my life as I’ve lived it and the songs that kept me breathing until love found me”.

This is the formal announcement of Paul Sanchez coming to our house concert series on 21st May. If you want a seat I need to hear from you asap. If you don’t know Paul I promise you will know him better at the end and you will be better for it.

He is coming to share his story and his city with us and it’s New Orleans. Paul has written lots of music, tells beautiful stories, sad stories and funny stories. I read his book that was assembled from his blog posts after Katrina. That’s where the quote came from above. I won’t spoil it for you so I’ll leave it to say you really want to be here.

Here is a couple of videos so you can hear some of his music and get ready for a great night.

Paul was a bit younger in this one. 1993.

Something a bit more current. 2007.

And this one gives you a little flavor of a house concert with Paul.

So you better give me a call or email me if you want to join in on the 21st of May! The registration form is below if you want to get in on the fun.

Be sure to scroll down to answer all the questions and HIT SUBMIT!! You’ll see a confirmation and I’ll be in touch. I expect us to fill the house so get on the list!

BTW, if I have already talked to you about this be assured your name is on the list. I’ll be in touch with more details as we get a little closer.

Thanks for listening,
Jerry Robertson


Photo by Derek Bridges