I'm tired
I just volunteered to help Bob Barr with his campaign for President of the United States. Some would say that a vote for a Libertarian candidate is a wasted vote but the more I think about it, this is the only way my vote is not wasted. Frankly, I am disappointed in both the Republicans and the Democrats. Neither one seems to stick to their principles nor are they truly looking out for the people they represent.That fit that happened on the floor of the House of Representatives today has just about finished it for me.
Our government has grown by 58% in the last 8 years. Bush created the budget. Thanks. The democratic congress passed the budget. Thanks. All they seem to be interested in is getting 51% of the vote so they can say they have a ‘mandate’ from the people. That way they get to keep their cush jobs with the extra special benefits that none of the people they represent get to enjoy.
The only way I see this working in the long run is to take away their toys. In this case that means power and that means money. If we don’t get tax reform (as in The Fair Tax) I think we are going to struggle for a long time before it gets better. Actually, I don’t think it will get better until we get the Fair Tax or something very similar to it.
Don’t get me wrong. This is a great country and I don’t see us falling or failing but we won’t thrive either. If we don’t figure out a way to get past the ‘evenly divided’ state that we are in this is going to languish as it is for a long time.
Check out the Fair Tax and take a look at the Libertarian Party. They may be a viable alternative to what we have been strugging with for the last 20 years. We have not had a ‘landslide’ vote since Ronald Reagan won in 1984 with 49 states voting for him. Walter Mondale won his home state of Minnesota and Washington DC. I don’t expect Bob Barr to win by a landslide but if enough of us vote for him it just might send a message about the value of Liberty and responsible government.
Thanks for reading my rant. I feel better now.
It’s a Good Life!
Jerry Robertson
- Download your county school calendar!!
- Obama is right. Sort of.