Mind like water…

That is a goal of mine. Mind like water. To respond appropriately to the things that come at me. If you will take a few minutes to watch this video I believe David Allen can explain far better than I can with written words.


I have been using the GTD (Getting Things Done) method for a long time. It works if I keep up with my weekly reviews. If you want a cool tool to help you set up a system that works on your computer, phone or tablet (or all three) check out The Secret Weapon. It’s a quick set of videos to help you set up Evernote to help you get there.

Do this stuff consistently and you can achieve a place in life where you have a clear mind, time to focus and maybe even get to the ‘mind like water’ place I am working toward.

BTW, did I say this was all free?? I love the new internet economy where people freely give what they have to offer.

If you want to meet up and discuss how I use these tools, I am always open for a coffee at Boulder Creek.

Have a great Wednesday!!

One more thing, if you found this on Facebook or Twitter, you are probably missing some of the articles that I publish. Subscribe over to the right and you’ll not miss a thing. I send out update emails on Tuesday so subscribe and stay in the loop.

Thanks for listening,

Jerry Robertson | Associate Broker | Certified Investor Agent Specialist (CIAS)
Keller Williams Realty | Atlanta Partners
678-231-1578 Cell 678-935-1342 FAX

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PS: We can help anyone move anywhere. If you know someone that could use our services please just introduce us. We’ll take great care of them.

It’s a good life!!