Money, money, money!!!
No, this is not a Pink Floyd song. Well, actually that is the title of one but I want to talk about money, not music.
I heard the other day that Visa has launched a new Fantasy Football game that is designed to teach children about money. That is a little like asking Timothy Leary to teach children about drugs.
I have added a new Item of Value to help understand money. This provides information about saving money, budgeting money and even spending money. Check it out.
I also have another resource for you if you would like to take the next step and get a coach to help with finances. Parkey Thompson provides a coaching experience to help you with money. He is a Dave Ramsey certified financial advisor and provides individual and group experiences. Check him out at Financial Focus for more info. His blog is right here if you want to check that out.
Thanks for checking in.
Jerry Robertson
678-231-1578 Cell
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