More short sales and foreclosures but the rules are changing.

We have had an average home sales rate of 4.9 million homes per year for the last 20 years. Even with all the bad news of home sales being down and unemployment being up, we are expected to have 5 million home sales in 2010. About 32% of the sales are foreclosures and short sales (distressed) but that means 68% are retail sales.

Average home prices are on the rise a bit and are up 0.7%. Not a huge gain but still a gain. What I want to say is that we are still selling houses and people are buying houses. We all need a place to live and there is a natural number of transactions in our country. Yes, it feels bad because there are more distressed sales and the prices are lower than they were 3 years ago but we are not in free fall.

It’s going to feel worse if you are one of the people facing foreclosure. If that is you (or someone you know) then please reach out and call me (678-231-1578). I can help you with all those questions you have and all the fears you feel. It’s tough and you are not alone and the banks are more willing than ever to talk with me about ways to help you.

I heard today that up to 80% of the folks facing foreclosure don’t know what to do and they just ride the train to the end of the tracks. Don’t do that and don’t let your friends do that. There are options and I can help.

I have helped lots of folks in this time of trouble and I can help most people facing foreclosure. Just call me and I’ll set a time to sit down and see what the best options are for you and it won’t cost you a cent. Do not pay anyone to help you as most of the scams out there collect money up front. I don’t do that. I will tell you that this has become more of a ministry than a business plan but this is the best way I know to help the most people. Pick up the phone and call me.

Thanks for your time,
Jerry Robertson
Associate Broker
