Not complaining

A little warning is in order. This one will remove all your excuses and reasons for not doing something so make sure you’re ready for that.

Darren Hardy shows up in my inbox every work day and I am sorry to say sometimes I don’t watch what he has to share. I watched this one and am glad for it. I hope you are too.

I had on my calendar to share stats today but I wonder, who really is interested in stats?

If you are, I’m happy to help but I’d rather post things that speak to you, motivate you and ultimately, help you be a better ‘you’. This stuff makes me better. It helps me focus on others.

While I was a Easter service yesterday I saw a verse quoted on the screen that I had to dig into. It is Isaiah 58:6. [And the Lord says] “I will tell you the kind of day I want—a day to set people free. I want a day that you take the burdens off others. I want a day when you set troubled people free and you take the burdens from their shoulders.”

He’s speaking to Israel but I believe that extends to all of us who follow Jesus. He’s talking about how we ought to behave and help others. It means to me we ought to give more than we take and sometimes that’s painful.

Maybe when the pain is too much in the moment we can ‘feed the flame’ as Jonathan does. Few of us experience that sort of physical pain but I suspect it applies to pain of all sorts. I hope you have a great week and this helps you in some way.

I’d love to hear how it helps so share if you want.

Thanks for listening,
Jerry Robertson
678-231-1578 Cell

2 thoughts on “Not complaining

  1. Thee other Jerry

    Brother, other-focused and heartfelt help is what the world needs more of. Shalom!