Perfect …

There are few things in life that are perfect but I experienced one of them today. My youngest son Stephen turned 21 yesterday. 21. That simply does not seem possible but I know it’s true. His girlfriend, Katherine has been planning a surprise luncheon for him to celebrate and it was perfectly executed today.

She got our whole family together for lunch at Nori Nori in Sandy Springs. Great sushi place. Buffet where you can get some of the best sushi I have enjoyed along with all the other stuff you’ll find in any good Japanese place. We all loved it but the best part was being around the table with David and Tracy, Mike and Raechel, Stephen and Katherine, Andrew, Susan and me. I guess 9 is a perfect number right now because it is everyone that my little family is connected to. There are more folks we love and more folks we enjoy being with but this little group is pretty special to Susan and me.

God has blessed us with some great boys and they have blessed us with some great girls and one really special grandson. What a joy it was to see them all in one place. Thanks to Katherine for organizing and making it happen. Thanks to God for what He has made our family to be.

I just had to share that.

Thanks for listening,