Spare change …

I don’t know if I have any more change in me. No, I did not say ‘on’ me. I said ‘in’ me.

I was talking to a friend last night about switching companies. No, I’m not switching but there was a time when I was being courted to switch and being courted seriously. As I retold that story I shared that line. “I did not have any change left in me.” It got me to thinking about the energy it take to make a change.

Sometimes change is forced on us. Layoffs, break ups, competition. All of those things can cause change we did not want to go through. We have to dig down and find the energy to deal with it. Even not doing anything in those cases takes energy.

New Years Resolutions are promises of change. Voluntary ones to be sure and usually changes that are good for us. Lose weight, work out, resolve to watch less TV, write more. Something that is going to make a difference.

We gather energy to sustain those changes by borrowing on the future and if we don’t see results pretty quickly we lose the energy necessary to over come the resistance and the change stops.

Encouragement is something that helps us in the change. Trainers are good at encouragement. Coaches too. Friends can help and so can spouses. Even your kids can be a source of energy to sustain a change. We have to seek out the relationships that can give back when we need it and ones we can make deposits in to when we have some energy to spare.

Books are a form of energy too. Writers pour their energy into the book and you can increase your energy just by reading it.

I just finished reading my first book for 2012. It’s written by Andy Andrews and is titled ‘How do you kill 11 Million People?’. It’s a short read and one that is thought provoking but it is filled to the brim with energy to make a change. It has prompted me to write this and to tell the story where ever I can for a while. I recommend you get the book and read it and share it.

So, do you have any spare change in you? Can you share it with the people in your life today? Encourage, build up and make deposits in the people that matter to you because it is going to be something that pays you back when you need it the most.

Thanks for listening,
Jerry Robertson

PS. call me if I can help you with anything. 678-231-1578. I am here if you need me or if you know someone that could use my help just introduce us. I’ll take great care of them.