Tuesday Night Tunes – Steve Gunn

By: Omer Unlu
People say funny things coming out from under anesthesia. My son Mike just had some work done on his elbow and they had to put him under. When he woke up he was talking about movies and music among other things. He said that I should check out Steve Gunn – sort of a bluesy Led Zeppelin. I said I would check it out and am glad I did. I won’t share any of the other things he said 🙂
Say a prayer for his healing and getting back to work soon.
Now here is Steve Gunn from Tiny Desk Concert by NPR.
So this one is a bit longer than most. It runs almost 20 minutes but it’s a couple of songs and it’s good. I’ll add him to my library on Google music. Are you using Google music? When it first came out I uploaded ALL of my CD’s to the service and that was cool but now they are streaming music and I think they are one of the best for finding what I want.
I find myself listening to the same music all the time but that doesn’t help me with stuff like Tuesday Night Tunes. I need a fresh playlist to keep sharing new stuff from. Love it when someone shares a new artist with me (thanks Mike) but sometimes I just pick an artist and do a ‘radio’ station via Google music to find some new stuff. I guess Spotify does that too but somehow I like Google better.
I would love it if you have an artist that may not be so well known but has some great songs or handles a guitar really well if you would share it with me. Maybe it makes Tuesday Night Tunes a little better. I’ve been listening to this cut by Gunn while I write this and love the guitar work. Makes me want to go find a decent one for Christmas and see if I can learn to play a little. It’s something I have thought about off and on. All my sons have had a guitar of one sort or another but I never have. Maybe it’s time. I know I would have to put in about 10,000 hours to get even close to this good but it might be fun to work at it and see where I can get.
Here is another one I found while browsing on YouTube.
We are getting ready for some downtime over Thanksgiving week I hope you are too. There will be food, family, friends and maybe a little music and some wine if I’m lucky. Enjoy and be safe. My friend Reggie used to tell me to be careless. To have less cares it what he meant, so that is my wish for you this week. Be care-less.
Thanks for listening,
Jerry Robertson
BTW, if I can do anything to help you please call me. Business or otherwise. Call me and I’ll do all I can.
- Are you ready??
- A little bit of splendor – what are you doing with yours?