24 June 2009 Technology Tips

Here are a couple of new things I found on the web. Check it out and see if they help you at all.

Things To Do At Home Or Travel: If you are planning a trip or going to stay close to home this summer, NextStop.com is a site that may help you find things to do. There’s plenty to see and explore nearby. It will help you find the most interesting attractions in your area. There are also plenty of restaurants you will enjoy trying. Check it out. http://www.nextstop.com/

Your Webcam Help With Software: There are many things you can do with a Webcam. And the software you use should allow you to do it. You can take photos and record video with your Webcam. Those photos can be directly uploaded to the Web. You could use motion sensing to activate your Webcam. And there is a whole lot more. Yawcam is free program that can do everything you need. Most of it can be automated. You can also schedule the recording of photos and video. Couple this with motion sensing and you’ve got a security camera. It can record while you’re out. But it won’t bother when you’re home  http://www.yawcam.com/

One I have shared before is www.AbeBooks.com as a place to order books online for a great price. They offer used books on all subjects and in good condition. I get almost all my books from them now. Check them out.

Have a great summer and check back here for news on the market and other technology tips.

It’s a Good Life!!
Jerry W. Robertson