A New Creature …

My son Mike was married yesterday. He married Raechel Redmond and they are now one. One couple? One being? Two people still to be sure but they are to become one by the grace of God. My family is changing yet again. Now I have another daughter to love on and enjoy as I get to know her better. My sons chose well and I am blessed to love my two daughters.

Nothing is perfect and we understand that. I was once told by a very wise man that we were created for perfect. Perfect relationships. Relationship with God our Creator. Relationship with our mates. Relationships with our children. Relationships with our friends and family.

That however ended at the Garden of Eden when we chose to do our own thing. To eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. We no longer can have that perfect relationship. Not with God and not with each other. He said that meant just one thing.

That we had to get ‘over it’.

I understood that to mean we had to just accept things the way they are, deal with it inside our own heads and love each other anyway. To love my wife more than I love myself. To give up my desires and wants for my children. To love my friends and family as much as I could and to try my best to see them as God sees them.

It also meant that I was to change the only thing I could. Myself. I can control myself if I choose to. It is a long journey but a very fruitful one. We had a great time at the wedding and the celebration afterwords getting to know our new extended family. God bless them and keep them.

I pray God will bless and keep my son and my new daughter, Raechel. I am excited to see their lives unfold and the joy that awaits as they grow together into that new being.

Thanks for listening,
Jerry Robertson