A piece of my heart

OK, this is a bit more personal and I hope you’ll spend a few minutes here. I am on the board of The Special Needs Schools of Gwinnett. I serve here as a non-parent board member and do it because I want to. I love what they are doing for kids and I want to see them succeed in a big way.

I’ll keep this short so you can go check out the video link about the school, some of the success they have and the needs to be fulfilled by the new building. All this is early in the process and some of the links don’t work yet but I don’t want to wait to share it.

I am also pointing you to our 10th annual golf tournament at Chateau Elan and asking you to help by contributing any amount to our event. It’s not really about golf but it will be a great day on the 24th of June (next week!!) if you are interested in playing.

Call me if you need details and I’ll fill you in.

Thanks for listening,
Jerry Robertson
678-231-1578 Cell