Are you done? I’m not.

I love Gary Vee. I won’t spend much time here except to say, I’m not done. Regardless of your age you can do something with what’s left. How much is that? God knows but no one else does. I’m hoping for another 30-40 years. That takes work and thinking differently but it’s possible. 

Warning, Gary’s language is off color a bit but it’s not worse than stuff you see on TV so turn the volume down and listen. Really listen and see where it takes you today.

I’m available to talk if you want to discuss being in business for yourself. I’ve been doing it almost 20 years and am happy to share what I know. Real estate is a tough business and 85% of the new agents are gone in 3 years.

If you want to be in the 15% and thrive then we need to talk. I can help. 

Thanks for listening,
Jerry Robertson
678-231-1578 Cell