Buying a house? 4 Reasons to do it now….

We get bombarded with ‘Do it now’ and ‘limited time offer’. I am not going to do that because if you have good reasons to wait to buy then wait. I want you to be ready to buy when you do. Buying before ‘they’ were ready is one of the biggest reasons for the melt down we all experienced a few years ago (btw, it’s good to actually write ‘a few years ago’ because it is really in the past).

That said, if you’re ready then by all means check out this article about reasons to buy now. The market is going up, rates are going up and it might be time. It is certainly the best time to buy that I can see for the next 5-7 years.

Call me if reading the linked article raises some questions or you need a referral to a great lender. I have good folks that can help you get into a great house before the real Mexican Independence Day. (no, it’s not Cinco De Mayo).

Thanks for listening,
Jerry Robertson
678-231-1578 Cell