Geek Squad

I saw something today that reminded me of a friend. Normally when I am reminded of a friend I give him a call but I can’t call this one. His name is Bill Grace and he died a while back.

What I saw was a whole line of those Geek Squad cars and vans lined up on the street. Headlights on, all in a row and turning right on Hamilton Mill Rd off of Buford Hwy. I wondered what they were doing as I saw about 30 of these cars and vans. Then I saw them turn into a funeral home and begin to line up. I know why they are there. I am not sure who they are there for but I’ll bet it was someone that made a difference.

There are two kinds of funerals. At some we talk about the person and how they made a difference in our lives and the lives of others. At the rest we talk about golf or baseball or football. It’s too painful to talk about the lives of someone who made no difference. Someone who collected lots of things or money or property and few friends.

Bill Grace was one that made a difference. When we went to his funeral there was a large group of bikers there. Bill was a biker (among other things) and he made a difference to lots of men and women. Lots of them came to his funeral. I would guess about 200 attended. It was standing room only and many of us went to the cemetery for the final part of the service just to be there and say goodbye.

I miss my friend. He showed me lots of things. He showed me Hurricane Shoals Park in Jackson Co. He showed me what it is to sacrifice for your friends. He showed me what it is to invest time in others. He was not shy about sharing his faith and how his relationship with Jesus made a difference in him. I miss my friend.

So, are you making a difference? What will people say at your funeral? What do you want them to talk about? It’s not too late to start. Call a friend. Meet for lunch or coffee and spend some time with them. Help where you can and be available for them.

As to the person the Geek Squad was going to bury today, I suspect they made a difference. Seeing all of them there made a difference to me.

Thanks for listening,
Jerry Robertson