June 15 Technology Tips

Here is a new collection of tips and just cools things from the web. Check them out and let me know of any useful sites you use. I’ll post them here to share.

Brighten Up Your Computer’s Desktop: Many of us use family photos or whatever your computer has. National Geographic is a great place for landscape and animal photos. It provides free desktop wallpaper for download. You can also download a nice selection of photos taken by National Geographic readers. The photos in the Your Shot collection are simply amazing. There are also puzzles, games and contests. You can even submit your work! http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/your-shot/wallpaper

Site Features Job Postings For Veterans And Their Families: Companies posting to VetJobs are specifically targeting veterans. So, they realize the challenges veterans face. More importantly, they realize the contribution that veterans can make in the workplace.Veterans who are looking for a job can’t afford to miss this site! http://vetjobs.com/

Legal Issues Help: State and federal laws are often complex and confusing. Nothing will beat the advice of a good attorney. If you’re faced with serious legal issues, that’s the way to go. Sometimes you just need a question answered or need some help deciding when to call your attorney. Nolo Press is known for publishing legal guides. This site features advice on a wide variety of legal topics. You’ll also find answers to frequently asked legal questions. Also, can help you select an attorney in your area to help you. http://www.nolopress.com/

Calendar That Sits On Your Desktop: You can view scheduled events and to-do lists right there. It’s convenient and easy to use. Or just roll over a day to see its events. You can set alarms for upcoming events. You’ll get a reminder when you have something to do. Current and upcoming events are also displayed in the Events pane. So, there are several ways to stay on top of your schedule. Free http://www.rainlendar.net/cms/index.php?option=com_rny_download&Itemid=30

Thanks for listening,
Jerry W. Robertson