18 May 2009 Technology Update

Here are a few new technology updates and websites I thought you might find helpful. Check them out and let me know what you think.

Keep Track Of How Far You Run Or Walk: Check out Gmaps Pedometer. It is simpler and less cumbersome than a physical pedometer. Gmaps Pedometer is a Google map. You can zoom in to your area. Then, click Start Recording. Double-click the map to highlight your path. Gmaps Pedometer will calculate the distance you ran or walked! Save the route, or print a map for posterity. You can even export your route in GPX format. This lets you share it with GPS software installed on your computer.

The Internet Makes Comparison Shopping Easy: You can check an item’s price on numerous sites in a matter of minutes. To make online shopping even easier, try Price!pinx. All you need do is install a bookmark in your browser. Then, when you’re on a site’s product page, highlight the price. Next, click the Price!pinx bookmark. Price!pinx does all the work for you. You’ll receive a notification if the price drops! Price!pinx can also help you with low-price guarantees. It’s great for cash-strapped families!   http://www.pricepinx.com

Free Stuff For Birthdays:  You wouldn’t believe what companies will give you on your birthday. All you need do is click on the Adults or Kids button. Then, select your state. Narrow down offers by selecting a business category like restaurant or entertainment.You’ll see a list of birthday offers. There are also details on how to redeem a particular offer. They make growing older easier!   http://www.freebirthdaytreats.com/

Enjoy and call me if you need help with anything real estate. I have some great new listings at www.CurrentListings.RealtyCaffeine.com if you know anyone thinking of buying right now. 

It’s a Good Life,
Jerry W. Robertson
678-231-1578 Cell