
What if God does have a plan for your life and it just not here that you see it fulfilled? Maybe your dream will be fulfilled in heaven (new earth) but it does not mean it isn’t important for you to pursue it here and now.

I am at a convention and this thought was rolling round in my head when I woke up. What if God has a plan for us but we don’t get to see it in this life? I believe we are eternal, spiritual beings having a temporary, physical experience. Sort of training for what’s to come.

I have an old life. I have been married to Susan since 1980 but I was married before. It’s a long story and I might share it someday but the point right now is I remember that life and it feels really flat. Sort of like a movie that I saw. I remember the events and have clear recollections but it has no depth.

I suspect we will remember this life but it will be as if we are remembering a movie. 2D instead of 3D. Instead of the real life we will be living then. Our pastor has compared this experience to college. Right now we think it’s real but once we graduate we find it is not.

Time flattens our memory of events. I saw a TV article about people who can remember everything they have ever experienced. I mean everything. Things like lunch on Dec 12, 1983. All the details. They describe the feeling as though they are living the event again when they remember it. The smells, sounds, etc. of where the were when they remember it. For the rest of us it’s flatter. Less colorful. More about some of the details that stood out and less like an experience that we had.

I get to experience this life and I’ll remember it but it gets flatter in my mind. Right now, this convention is 3D. I am meeting some of the best agents in the business. I am meeting top producers who are willing to sit on a panel and answer direct questions and really share with the expectation of getting nothing back. That experience will fade into 2D and a collection of notes that could simply sit on a shelf or languish in my Evernote account as notes and pictures of things I don’t use.

Jump forward in time….

I wrote that a couple of years ago and I can say it’s exactly like what I thought then. Flatter but I remember it. I remember sitting in the Diamond Back home stadium watching the workers lay sod for the upcoming baseball season. I as in a TGI Friday’s overlooking the field. The windows open, sky was blue and the workers made the field look great. I took some of the things I learned and used them but a great deal of what was shared did go unused. They are just memories. Flat, 2D memories. Maybe I can go back to my notes and inflate some to 3D. I’ll let you know if I do.

Thanks for listening,
Jerry Robertson


Photo by Tim Green aka atoach