Technology Tips for 1 February 2010

Everything Needs An App Store These Days: There’s a different one for every smartphone. You can also get apps for your iPod. Now, there’s an app store for your netbook. Netbooks are a special kind of computer. They’re small, portable and don’t have a lot of power. They can’t run every program as well as a regular computer. Scouring the Web for netbook-friendly programs can be hit or miss. The solution may be Intel’s AppUp. This app store is full of netbook-friendly programs. You’ll find games, utilities and social-networking programs. Some of the programs are free. And you can buy others right from the store.

Photos For Your Website: Do you need photos for your Web site or another creative project? You needn’t settle for sub-par images. Check out microstock photography. You can buy photos from microstock sites online. Generally, you won’t pay much for the rights to use these photos.  morgueFile offers plenty of free photos for your creative projects. There are also plenty of tips to help you improve your microstock skills.

Government Auctions: The Department of the Treasury has a site that lists government auctions. It covers both in-person and online auctions. Don’t just look at the seized or forfeited items. There are also surplus goods. This site does not put all the auctions in one place. Rather, it helps you find auctions across government agencies. You’ll have to do some clicking!

McDonald’s Has Wi-Fi: The list of free Wi-Fi connections just grew by 11,500. McDonald’s has made Wi-Fi free at most of its 14,000 U.S. locations. You don’t need to make a purchase to use the Wi-Fi. Just walk in, fire up your laptop and log on.   To find a McDonald’s location offering free Wi-Fi in your area, visit its site.

Managing Your To-Do List: TeuxDeux is one of the best task managers . It doesn’t have a lot of fancy features. Simplicity is its strong suit. When you sign in, you’ll see five columns, each labeled with a day of the week. You’ll also see a section labeled “Someday.” There is an entry box for each column and the Someday section. To get started, enter a task in one of the boxes and hit Enter. The task will be added to your to-do list. As you complete tasks, click on them. A strikethrough will mark them complete. Or, click the X next to a task to delete it from your list. You may also want to move a task to a different day. In that case, just click and drag it to another column.

Please remember, don’t keep me a secret because I am never too busy for your referrals.

Thanks for listening,
Jerry Robertson
678-231-1578 Cell

Technology Tips courtesy of Rick DeLuca and his Real Estate Ideas Club.