To enjoy or to be enjoyed

I was reading Atlas Shrugged and I was captive to Ayn Rand during that book. I couldn’t wait to read the next page but work took me out and I had to put it down sometimes.

One scene where two people are in a really expensive restaurant and spending money they have earned as they watch the people spending the money they had inherited. The two are enjoying the place and the rest seem to be expecting the place to enjoy them. The majority seem to be unhappy but the two are delighted with the whole thing.

I got to thinking about our charge from God to have dominion over the earth and to care for it. What an extravagant place the earth is. Mountains, canyons, oceans, beaches and really, everything we have and see. Gold, diamonds, silver, beautiful woods, trees, rivers and you get the idea. What an extravagant place we have been blessed with. We certainly didn’t earn it but we have inherited it.

It was created for us. I believe the perspective is wrong if we think we are created or evolved for the earth but hang with me to understand my full thought.

We have a responsibility to care for it but not as a slave would care for it’s master. Rather as an owner would care for a prized possession. That Matador Red 1957 Chevy that has the original paint still glowing in the sun or the rifle that your grandfather taught you to shoot with and then gave it to you in his will. A possession you treasure and care for. That is how the earth should be for us.

I’m sitting here trying to think what my point is and it won’t come clearly except that maybe we are just to enjoy what we have, to care for it the best we can and not be disappointed that we don’t have more. I don’t mean that we should settle and stop striving but rather to not strive so hard for what we might gain in the future that we forget to enjoy what we have right now.

To not abuse the earth for short term gain but rather to use and extract the natural resources for the benefit of ourselves and others to create a better life for us and our kids. To work hard and enjoy the fruit of the labor in the cool of the evening as we walk in the garden.

My concept of heaven has been formed and refined by a couple of books and I can write more on that later but in the Bible is says there will be a new Heaven and a new Earth for us. That we are going there to be together and to be with God in a more tangible way than it is today but the idea of the new Earth intrigues me. I have come to believe the new Earth will be a lot like the old one without the struggle and this is the training ground for caring for the new one.

I hope we learn our lessons well.

Have a great weekend and enjoy each moment as it happens. 

Thanks for listening,
Jerry Robertson
678-231-1578 Cell

Photo by moonjazz