Well, they did it.

74 – 25. They passed this bail out bill and are trying to feed us a line that it is not a bail out. I attended a meeting today and we talked about how our markets are driven by greed and fear. Well, we are in the fear side of the market right now and the Senate just responded to that.

Here is an alternative if you want to go see. Check out Dave Ramsey and his common sense plan for another way that the market could take control of itself and it would not cost us a dime.

I will put more up here later but one thing I will point out before closing for the night. The Senate has a 6 year term and I suspect that those that voted no on this bill are the ones that are up for re-election this year. I will take a look at this but I guess I am just a skeptic. I hope we have a lonnggggg memory and will hold these guys accountable.

Thanks for listening.
Jerry Robertson