What are you afraid of?

My son was watching a TV show about fear one time. He was about 6 or 7. The question on the show was ‘What are you afraid of?’ and they gave examples of the dark or the basement, etc. Common childhood fears. I asked him that question because I wanted to know what he was afraid of and I was surprised by his answer. 

He turned and looked me in the eye and said “I ain’t afraid of nuthin’!”. It’s funny but frankly we all have something we’re afraid of. 

Today’s Darren Daily spoke to me on that topic and I thought I would share with you. I get Darren’s daily video and encouragement and I would recommend it to you as well. His website is here if you want to sign up and you get to read the comments to the video below.

I send these videos and articles to hopefully encourage and motivate but I also do it to stay in touch. I want to to think of me if you need help with referrals or other real estate things but call me if you need anything.

I’m here to help so please just ask.

Thanks for listening,
Jerry Robertson
678-231-1578 Cell