What do you want to do for the rest of your life?

Photo by Alex Barth
I am a recovering engineer. Had I done what I was created for I would have never gotten into engineering. Don’t get me wrong, I was a good engineer. I was good at what I did and I was in demand by companies like GM, Chrysler and Honda. I got to work on mag lev trains, high speed printing presses and lots of cool projects. I even owned a ‘one man’ company that had a GM Vendor Number. It was not for lack of success.
I traveled for 25 years of my life and asked God many times from the road “What else can I do?” and then one day He answered me with a question. He said “Did you ever consider real estate?” Honestly, I never had but I decided that day to take a chance, to get my license, to focus on working by referral and I have not looked back (well, not after a year or two <smile>). Yeah, it’s tin foil hat sort of story but it was real, it’s mine, and I love to tell it so if you want to hear about it, call me. We’ll get lunch. My treat.
I love what I get to do now. There were clues in my past leading me to help people see a new way of doing things, to see possibilities they had not considered. Some would call that sales. I call it helping.
What do you want to do? Who can you help?
Take some time and consider the question, “What do you want to do for the rest of your life?”. It’s not that long a time so why are you doing something you don’t love? If you need help processing it, call me. I’ll be happy to listen.
What else can I do to help you? Call me and ask. I’ll do all I can.
Thanks for listening,
Jerry Robertson
678-231-1578 Cell
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