Who are these people?

So Brad Inman interviews Chris Heller and he answers that question. Who are these people? Is it a cult or some spiritual experience? Is it a pyramid scheme? Is it like Amway? Check out the video for some honest details.

If you’re active in real estate you know who these two are. Brad started out with a brief story about his journey in discovering who Keller Williams Realty is.

Check it out for 15 minutes.

If you are not a part of the opportunity that Keller Williams offers like training for new agents as well as experienced ones to build real businesses, encouragement and a positive place to work everyday, profit share that is real money and not part of a MLM scheme or pyramid then maybe we ought to talk.

I promise to not ‘recruit’ you but rather to tell the story and let you decide if we’re a good fit. We’re not for everyone but for those that we match up with it can be a great place to thrive.

I have a gift for you if you want to find out more so just call me and we’ll get together for coffee. No pressure.

Thanks for listening,
Jerry Robertson
678-231-1578 Cell