You missed it

Well, not all of you but most did. We had 17 people in the house for our last house concert with Kate Coleman. You can see it’s an intimate setting and you get to sit close, lean in and really be present. She told stories, shared her music and kept us smiling for about 2 hours.
We move the furniture out, place some comfortable, ugly chairs in its place and turn on the sound system. We have room for 25 in the ugly chairs and usually, someone is standing up in the kitchen. We do a potluck dinner and the food is always fabulous.
We host these musicians to share their music with our friends, clients, and folks that refer me to others but it’s also a great way to meet new folks. It’s a great time and it’s also a way for the musician to make a living. Some of them, it’s all they do.
Most of the folks we’ve hosted you might not know so I get the question of ‘What sort of music do they play?‘ and the answer might surprise you.
It doesn’t matter what they play, you’ll have a great time, no matter what.
It’s a unique experience to hear them tell the joy and pain of songwriting. I’ve gotten to attend concerts with songwriters who work with soldiers, ones who have lots of hit songs and all styles of music. We’ve had artists from Nashville, New Orleans, and some local folks too. We’re talking to one from Ireland to come and play the next one.
I ask the artists to come prepared to share their own music. The stuff they write, not cover music so you won’t know it anyway. You have to listen to get the words and the stories behind them. It is a real treat for those who get to attend.
Now some will pay a little cover just to show you they can but most will tell the story about the songs they write and then share the music. It’s magical when that happens and you’ll love it no matter what.
Here is one from the night at our house with Kate.
This a video of Kate and her group called Run Katie Run and it’s a good one to listen to for a deeper look into her talent.
We host about 3-4 of these house concerts every year and most are reserved for past clients, friends, and family but we’re planning on at least one for our neighbors. I’ve done it when we first moved in and made some great friends so watch for the announcement and get on the list. You can email to be added to the invitation.
Thanks for listening and stay tuned!
Jerry Robertson
678-231-1578 Cell
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