You thought it would be easy?

Re-entry = First full day back to life and work after a great vacation, totally unplugged. A little heat, turbulence, buffeting, a few tense moments, then smooth flying again.




Life is a grind. Sometimes is feels like the work never ends. We know it does (you just got back from Christmas break, right?) but we also know that anything worth having requires work, sweat and sometimes blood.

Here is a reminder of what it takes to succeed.

As you plug back in and get back to work, remember who we are working for.

Here is another video I saw this weekend about why we do all the work. If you’re not a GT fan just don’t look at the uniforms 🙂

So I have two questions for you.

1. What is important to you?

2. Who is important to you?


Don’t let the urgent overwhelm the important. Take a few minutes to write the answers to those two questions down and post them where you can see them and then when you are tempted to hit the snooze button, get up.

Bookmark this and when you’re tempted to quit, come back.

We’ll be here.

Thanks for listening,
Jerry Robertson
678-231-1578 Cell