Are you going to have a good year??

I just watched Fox and Friends while making a French Press of coffee. If you have never had a French Press I recommend it. They don’t have to cost a lot ($15) and it is some of the best coffee ever. Anyway, back to the news.

They were telling us how bad things are going to be. That’s what news does. Gasoline at $5 a gallon, coffee up 40%, chocolate up 30%, stuff like that. They did a ‘man on the street’ interview and stopped some guy at random. They asked him is he was worried about the high cost of things. I don’t think they expected his response.

In broken English he said ‘it’s going to be wonderful in America’, ‘America is very strong’ and a few more things like that. Now for him I would say the year will be really good. I don’t know where he is from but it is obvious English was not his first language. To my uneducated ear he sounded Russian but it could have been anywhere from the old Soviet Union (remember them?). To him I suspect he can see that the streets here really are paved with gold.

We live in one of the greatest times of opportunity and I believe in the place with the most freedom to execute on that opportunity. It is not about THE economy but it is about YOUR economy. Check out this article from Jeffrey Gitomer. He talks more about that.

My point? It is up to you to decide if your year will be good or bad. No, you can’t control how much gas costs or coffee either but you can control how much it matters to you. I don’t know the future but I know I am going to have a good year. God is in charge and I am focused on doing the things that make a difference. I turned off the news a few minutes ago and it won’t be on again today most likely. I don’t focus on that stuff. I choose to be like the guy they interviewed.

It is going to be a wonderful year in America!!

Thanks for listening,
Jerry Robertson

BTW, I am never to busy for your referrals so please call me when you know someone that would benefit from my services. Thanks.